Friday, January 25, 2013

Chorus in a Greek play

We are nothing more than a chorus in a Greek play, the way the traditional Greek play often plays out is that an antagonist is a good person who makes a bad moral decision that ends up in a tragedy. Fatalism in the Greek sense is often described and portrayed in a Greek play.  This is symbolic of the Greek culture in which a society has an evil lustful heart but has good intentions but because of a tragic flaw a Greek tragedy is an extension of the ancient rites to honor many Gods; One’s life is determined by fate, that no one has control over his or her life. That these things are destined to happen and it’s nothing you can do about it.  What you have done cannot be undone; greed and the moral weakness of our society will be the underlining reason of our destruction. God cannot continue to extend Grace to a nation that kills innocent babies and permits itself to engage in elicit immoral behavior.

In America for instance the typical American family may feel fatalistic about his finances or financial future especially in the times we live in today. With the future of America being uncertain due to the looming fiscal cliff and the possibility of a Government financial collapse.
The American people will feel helpless to get out of their current situation, and they will be susceptible to the suppressive forces of the economy and our intrusive government.  Certainly the Greek tragedy portrayed in the typical Greek culture can be used as a Metaphor of America and the coming days of degeneration and total collapse of this once great country.

Some people will be disillusioned by a nihilism nature believing there is no meaning to life, this is prophesized in (2nd Thessalonians 2:11) “ And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,” leading to massive suicides, destruction of property and murders. That is why it’s important to value the 2nd amendment of our constitution because during these times is when we must defend ourselves in order to protect our families and ourselves from the lawlessness of the society. An evil dictator can’t control a country with armed citizens, so therefore it is the goal for a dictator to disarm people in society so that a corrupt government can control its people.

We the people can try in “vain” to protect society as we know it but our role will be nothing more than a (Greek chorus) as we will be forced to watch helplessly; our evil dictator Obama (Protagonist) will lead this country to total destruction and ruin.

The leader “Our president” will play the role of the protagonist in the Greek culture in which he starts out with good intentions but is later lead by the corruption of his evil heart, leading of course to the destruction of the country over which he precedes. America serves as an example of the way the ancient Greek tragedies played out.

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